"my mother would look at me and she'd say, 'Kamala, you may be the first to do many things, but make sure you are not the last.'"
Resilient Rideout is a passion project turned purpose-focused brand to help stoke the fire of confidence, kindness, strength, and resilience in kids of all ages. We are imagining the world we want to see - a world with representation, a world with kindness, and a world with acceptance.
Resilient Rideout creations promotes individuality and inspiration beginning in childhood - helping you to find your voice and say it louder!
- Kamala Harris

A Letter from the Owner
Resilient Rideout was launched out of our conviction to show our daughter that she can do and be anything she sets her mind to.
We have actively worked to deconstruct gender bias in our family with the way we raise our daughter. Pink is for girls, blue is for boys, gendered slogans – these were all things we avoided. We actively sought out clothing, room décor, books, and toys that would foster confidence and allow her a chance to decide what she likes on her own - not just what was in the girl aisle.
We are so happy there are more options for empowering clothes, diverse books, and inclusive toys; but these items are not as readily available as the pink, sparkly, or princess. We diligently searched for small businesses who created dolls that looked like our daughter, creators who designed beautiful and diverse art, authors who wrote books with racial, gender, and neurodivergent representation. We are breaking away from the gender and social constructs, consistently exposing our daughter to the uniqueness that makes everyone special in their own way and allowing our daughter the freedom to grow into who she aspires to be.
We hope you'll join us on this journey!

As a former sports television producer and reporter, I can say I’ve dealt with my fair share of sexism in a very male-dominated field. I want to ensure my daughter has the confidence and courage to tackle the world and anything she wants to do, without second guessing herself about whether she belongs there. As a mixed-race person myself, I also want to ensure her identity represents both sides of her cultural heritage. Hold your head high, lift others up with you, and say it louder for the people in the back!

Let’s be real, living as a person of color has been hard for many years and when the motivation isn’t always there to be kind, have faith, and love, but you still do it anyway … that’s resilience! Our daughter having the confidence to be herself, not settle, push through the failures, and find ways to succeed will be a hard fought and rewarding life lesson and one of our family values – RESILIENCE! Be bold and challenge yourself to be the person you were meant to be.